25th GI Joe, Appleseed, Hot Toys at Big Bad Toy Store
 November 1, 2007 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:
Hi - Here is a quick update from http://www.bigbadtoystore.com about one of the best new rounds of preorders since Toy Fair, and a variety of new arrivals.
-------------- NEW PREORDERS: --------------
GI JOE 25TH ANNIVERSARY - COMIC 2-PACKS: Hasbro has just sent us information about the first 5 Comic 2-Packs that will be released sometime within the next 3 months or so. Wave 1 features Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow, Scarlett & Hawk, Duke & Cobra Commander, and Wave 2 features Destro & Breaker, and Torch & Ripper. We have two different cases of 8 up for preorder at $74.99, a Wave 1 set of 3 at $29.99, Wave 1 & 2 set of 5 at $49.99, and a variety of single sets at $10.99 each.
MARVEL LEGENDS SERIES 4 - NEMESIS SERIES: For series 4, Hasbro brings us 5 different figures along with the Build-a-Figure Nemesis. Cases of 8 are up for preorder at $89.99, and we also have sets and singles. Characters include: Daredevil, Nova, Punisher, Black Bolt, and Tigra.
MASTERPIECE STARSCREAM - G1 VERSION: Hasbro has repainted the awesome MP-03 Starscream with G1 accurate paint. Inventory will begin to arrive next week so the wait won't be long. Preorders have been listed at $94.99 and the supply is going to be limited.
TAKARA COOL GIRL BATMAN BEGINS: Prices on the secondary market for this awesome 1/6 Scale Batman with GenX Core have been skyrocketing to $350 and higher. Takara will be reissuing this popular figure in March and preorders are listed at just $164.99.
TRANSFORMERS MUSIC LABEL CONVOY - G1 COLORS: Takara brings us a G1 accurate repaint of the white Ipod Docking Bay Convoy released earlier this year. This version is priced at $149.99 and it arrives in March.
HOT TOYS - SUPERMAN RETURNS: We received a ton of requests for the new 12" Jor El and the 2-in-1 Superman & Clark Kent figures that are part of the Movie Masterpiece series. Preorders have just been listed at the competitive price of $139.99 and $159.99 respectively for these beauties
TF QUINTESSON & KREMZEEK: The makers of previous TF tribute items is back at it with a whopping 5 new releases including a battery powered light-up Kremzeek figure, and the 4 remaining Quintessons from the original Transformers Movie. The Quintessons include Scientist, Prosecutor, Excecutioner, and Bailiff - each priced at $44.99. Kremzeek is priced at $34.99 - check out the full selection
APPLESEED 12" FIGURES: More cool new figures from Hot Toys - the new Deunan and Briareos are priced at $139.99 and $184.99 respectively. Each comes with a nice assortment of gear and the quality is impeccable.
SHAUN OF THE DEAD - 12" SIDESHOW: Sideshow continues to roll out more cool licenses with the new Shaun and Ed figures. Each priced at $54.99 and comes with a wider than expected range of accessories.
THE FLY - SIDESHOW STATUES: Sideshow brings us the Brundlefly and Martinfly statue - each of these is priced at $189.99 and they look great
CORONATION STARSCREAM BUST: This cool exclusive is limited to only 600 pieces and we have it up for preorder at $59.99 - Starscream comes with Crown and Cape - a great looking bust
MEDICOM REAL ACTION HEROES - RAH SAW KILLER: The classic Saw Jigsaw Killer comes with both regular and pig-head and is up for preorder at $139.99
MARVEL WORLD WAR HULK BUST: Another limited edition exclusive from Diamond Select, this bust is up for preorder at $59.99
------------- NEW ARRIVALS: -------------
SPIDER-MAN - SANDMAN BUILD-A-FIGURE: Hasbro has just delivered the Sandman assortment to us - cases of 8 are in stock now for $89.99 - each case includes all the parts needed for the Sandman Build-A-Figure.
MCFARLANE'S DRAGONS - SERIES 7: The new Hydra Boxed Set is HUGE - the hydra measures in at 12" tall and it will definitely be a centerpiece of any dragon collection. The series 7 set of 4 is in stock for $49.99, and we have Ice, Warrior, and Water Clan Dragons at $11.99 each.
STAR TREK - WRATH OF KHAN ENTERPRISE: Both the standard and Battle Damaged versions of TWOK Enterprise NCC-1701 are in stock for $34.99 and $37.99 respectively. Both versions feature electronic lights & sound.
SOUTH PARK SERIES 6: Mezco's latest series includes one each of Mr. Slave, Nurse Gollum, Cartman as Ming Lee, and Starvin' Marvin. The set of 4 is available for $49.99
STAR TREK - JOHNNY LIGHTNING SHIPS: This fantastic case of 12 figures includes 2 each of 6 different ships. We'll get a picture of these listed later today - the case is priced at $54.99.
MP-05 MASTERPIECE ACCESSORY KIT: Our shipment of MP-05 Silencers and Gun Stocks has finally arrived, complete your Megatron for just $54.99. This kit features several die-cast metal parts and Megatron looks great both in gun mode, or with everything transformed into cannon mode.
MUSEUM REPLICAS - 300 & MARVEL: The new Iron Man helmets as well as Spartan Cape, Shield, and Infantry Helmet have just arrived - check out all the Museum Replicas here - all well below the MSRP.
MEZCO'S CINEMA OF FEAR: Jason, Freddy, Leatherface and more have just arrived, the set of 4 is priced at $54.99 and available
LARA CROFT 7" FIGURE: The new Anniversary Lara Croft figure has just arrived, she sports a light blue tank-top and dual pistols - only $12.99
GENTLE GIANT JAWAS MINI BUST: Get a pair of Jawa busts for just $52.99 - the latest in Gentle Giants ever popular series of Star Wars items.
SPIDER-MAN 3 MOVIE FIGURES: We've just received several new case assortments from Hasbro and have many other Spider-Man 3 items in stock
MY LITTLE PONY AND BARBIE ITEMS: The vintage department has been working through a huge collection of MLP and Barbie items - be sure to take a look at these menus for a selection of older items