for Dads
 November 5, 2007 -- As the guys that aren't millionaires or playboys get adjusted to fatherhood, Mr. Stinkhead proudly announces the birth of, a new blog for dads (new and seasoned) and message board to ask for, and share advice.
We turn our critical eye and macro-focus trained cameras to cover baby toys and gadgets for Dads (such as digital picture frames). As we get ready for the holiday shopping season, what stuff is truly helpful, and what is taking advantage of us new fathers? We'll keep you up to date on recent recalls, traps to avoid, and deals to seek out.
Our top article today is about the line of Playmobil toys designed specifically for infants, Playmobil First Smile.
Jump in our Message board and ask advice, or offer advice to someone else's call for help. Share pics of your little one, or talk about the Black Friday deals. What order do you introduce the Star Wars movies? Is there any baby music that we can stomach too?
If you're a dad, about to become one, or you just want to know if you should take the plunge; stop by a couple times a week. Even if you're an experienced Dad, we could use your advice. We have an RSS feed you can add to your Google homepage to know when there are new entries.
We also have our own online store with (what Mr. Stinkhead calls) "clever" and original shirts, onesies, and gifts for you or your kid. Our series of original robot shirts is growing every week.
We're just launching officially today, but look forward to upcoming how-to's, books to print and share with your kids, and video podcasts demonstrating swag when words cannot.
IF YOU HAVE A DAD BLOG: visit the site, let me know, and I'll add you to the Blogroll.