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Did Somebody Say "Toys R Us"?

mctrulogo.jpg - 5853 BytesThe World's Biggest Toystore and the world's most popular fast-food restaurant are teaming up! Toys R Us and McDonalds have announced a new promotion that tastes great and saves money!

Beginning November 26th McDonald's customers who order a 20-piece box of ChickenMcNuggets will receive a special coupon good at any Toys R Us store oronline at while supplies last.

The coupon can be used two ways: customers can get $3 off any $9 minimumpurchase at any of the more than 700 Toys R Us stores nationwide, or thosecustomers shopping online at can get $9 off with a minimumpurchase of $9. In addition, customers who shop at can takeadvantage of free shipping until December 1.

Also, many McDonalds restaurants are serving as drop-off points for Toys For Tots donations. Check with your local McDonald's to see if they are participating.

For more information on Toys For Toys check out RTM's Toys For Tots coverage by clicking here!

[Updated 11-22-99]

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In Association with Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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