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December 2007 Hasbro Star Wars Q&A

December 2007 - At the end of 2007, Hasbro solicited a bonus round of questions about their Star Wars products. Here are the questions and answers for this extra set:

1. Will there ever be a Galactic Heroes figure of Princess Leia as Jabba's prisoner (i.e. wearing the metal bikini)?

Answer: Yes.

2. Will we be seeing Guri (Shadows of the Empire) in the new comic packs?

Answer: Not yet. We have only one SotE pack lined up for 2008/2009 with some of the more compelling characters. She is a very interesting character, though, and has appeared in a lot of other sources so her popularity among fans is pretty decent and is in her favor. We would not rule her out for "some day," but not in the near term.

3. Any plans for more vehicles in the Galactic Heroes line?

Answer: Yessir! First up, we will be getting the Millenium Falcon back into circulation in a special "Cinema Scene"-inspired window-boxed style package with Han, Chewie, R2-D2 & C-3PO. Look for this exclusively at Wal-Mart in approximately February. After that, we have plans to continue our popular Cinema Scenes format with some more sets in '08 featuring some new takes on existing vehicles along with some new vehicles *and* creatures. The GH goodness will really be amped up next Fall.

Be sure to check out the previous Q&As as well.

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