January 18, 2007 (SEATTLE) - WizKids Inc. announces the "Spot the Plot!" promotion in the Pirates of the Cursed Seas™: Rise of the Fiends PocketModel™ game.
Rise of the Fiends explores the stories of legendary Pirates characters like Calico Cat, "Cannonball" Gallows and the Hag of Tortuga, and there is more to these characters than any fan knows! There will be 10 stories to collect, randomly found in game packs, each illuminating the life of a prominent character in the Pirates of the Cursed Seas world. Players who find the stories in game packs can download a mail-in coupon from www.PiratesCardGame.com and receive a special edition Specter, a glow in the dark ship! All of the Rise of the Fiends stories will be available on the WizKids website.
A wholly owned subsidiary of the Topps Company (TOPP), WizKids is a Seattle-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating tabletop games driven by imagination. Its HeroClix® and Pirates of the Cursed Seas brands are among the most successful games on the market today, with over 100 million miniature game figures sold worldwide. For additional information, visit www.wizkidsgames.com.