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The Playmates' Star Trek showroom

Well, it will be an interesting year for the Star Trek line. Playmates will be shifting focus, putting the bulk of their resources into making the 12" Collector Figures a success with main crew members from Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation, as well as popular aliens like the Gorn, Mugato, Andorian and Locutus.

In addition to the 12" figures, we will see some redecoed role-playing accessory gift sets and a few 9" gift sets as part of the "Bold New Millenium" concept, but for 4.5" figures and the bulk of the 9" line, you'll have to contend with retailer exclusives, as these lines just don't have the retailer support for wide release anymore.

Retailer exclusives are not shown at Toy Fair, but we include them here for the sake of completism.

Shipping Schedule - updated year around as dates are changed and products are shipped

1999 Playmates' Star Trek Press Release

Five-Inch Figures

Nine-Inch Figures

Nine-Inch Alien Combat Series

Twelve-Inch Figures

Accessory Gift Sets

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