The Rec.Toys.Vintage FAQ and Resource Guide
Developed and Maintained by Tom Rhone
New HTML version by Eric G. Myers
Please send all additions, corrections or comments to Tom Rhone at [email protected].
Table of Contents
Welcome to Rec.Toys.Vintage
Charter and purpose of
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1.1: Where can I discuss Newer Toys?
Q1.2: How can I find the value of an old toy I have?
Q1.3: Where can I find other web pages etc. about toys.
Resources for Vintage Toys
Q2.1: How can I find the value of an old toy I have?
Q2.2: Where can I find more information about collecting old toys?
Q2.3: Where can I find replacement parts for old toy restoration?
Q2.4: Are there professional Toy Restorers?
Q2.5: What are some web pages devoted to old toys?
WELCOME TO REC.TOYS.VINTAGE is intended to provide a medium for
sharing ideas and feelings about the collecting of
vintage toys. For purposes of this newsgroup, a
"vintage" toy is defined as a toy or game about 20
years or older which is valued as memorabilia or for
historical value rather than for its "play value." This
is an unmoderated newsgroup.
Discussions encouraged in this group include;
- Toy restoration
- Toy display
- Rarity and value of particular toys
- Original contents and parts of toys and games
- Wanted to buy posts
- For sale posts
- Wanted to Swap posts
- Toy company histories
- Changing marketplace values of particular toys
- Determining factors on value fluctuations
- Vintage toy show dates, locations and reviews
Topics NOT appropriate for this group include
discussion of toys currently manufactured or
available at stores such as Toys R Us, toys NOT
old enough to fit in the category of "about 20 years
or older", or any other unrelated topic.
Q1.1: Where can I discuss Newer Toys?
A1.1: The newsgroup carries excellent
discussions surrounding newer toys,
action figures, and misc. toy discussions, and
invites all to participate. Other relevant news
groups include:
Q1.2: How can I find the value of an old toy I have?
A1.2: See the seperate listing of sources, or ask
on the group ! If you do ask here, It would be a
good idea to include whether or not you want to
sell the toy or keep it and only want it's value.
Q1.3: Where can I find other web pages etc. about toys?
A1.3: There is an excellent page which lists all toy
sources (if you find one not there, let us know).
Thanks to Eric Myers;
For purposes of this newsgroup, a "vintage" toy is
defined as a toy or game about 20 years or older
which is valued as memorabilia or for historical
value rather than for its "play value."
Q2.1: How can I find the value of an old toy I have?
A2.1 Price guides - but remember, they are only
guides, and the condition of a toy is all important.
If a guide lists $100.00 for a mint condition toy,
and your's is missing pieces, it may only be worth
10% of that mint price. However, if your's is
exceptional and in the box and in demand, it
may be worth 10 times the mint amount.
List of Price Guides;
Toy Shop publishes one every year from their
address above for about $19.95
Toy Shop's toll free # is 1-800-258-0929
OBrien's Collecting Toys has also been published
for many years. It is ISBN 0-89689-114-3
$22.95 and can be ordered.
(Tom's Note - I think that one copy of each of the
above price guides will get you through many of
your toy pricing searches. What one lacks, the
other usually makes up for.)
"Cap Guns with Values" by James L. Dundas - Schiffer
Publishing, 610-593-1777, $29.95 + $2.95 S&H, check,
m.o. or V/MC.
Q2.2: Where can I find more information about collecting old toys?
A2.2: There are several publications available for those
interested in more information about collecting older
toys. Here is the list we have so far;
Toy Shop Magazine (newspaper format)
Toy Shop
700 E. State St.
Iola, WI 54990-0001
(Tom's Note - Toy Shop is just about THE marketplace
publication. It covers new and old toys, has lots of ads
and auctions, and has just started carrying a few articles.
There are not a lot of real old toys there, but tons of toys
from the 50's to the present)
Collecting Toys (magazine)
published bi-monthly by
Kalmbach Publishing Co.
21027 Crossroads Circle
Waukesha, WI 53187-1612
One year (6 issues) = $20.00
(Tom's Note - This is a nice color magazine
and probably the 2nd most popular publication,
after Toy Shop. There are many pictures and
articles, concerned mostly with toys from the
50's on, and lots of information about new toys
just out and due out soon.)
Antique Toy World Magazine
PO Box 34509
Chicago Illinois 60634
(312) 725-0633
$39.95 per year
(Tom's Note - This is a real nice magazine I'm
pretty sure is subscription only. It features toys
prior to the 50's and still banks. The covers are
sometimes worth the price of the magazine (which
is not that cheap).
Tomarts Action Figure Digest
Tomart Publications
3300 Encrete Lane,
Dayton, OH 45439-1944
One year (8 issues) = $38.00
e-mail:[email protected]
Toy Trader Magazine (newspaper)
100 Bryant St.
Dubuque, Iowa 52003
1 yr 12 issues $15.75
(Tom's Note - This is smaller that Toy Shop,
but has more articles about older (50's - now)
toys, and a reader's column. It's a good source
for "State of the Toy Collecting World Today".)
Toy Collector and Price Guide
Krause Publications
700 E. State St.
Iola, Wi. 54945
Published bi-monthly @ 16.95 per year
Plastic Figure & Playset Collector magazine:
Published by: Specialty Publishing Company
PO Box 1355
La Crosse Wisconsin 54602-1355
(608) 781-1894
6 issues per year $21 US Bulk Rate; $29 US First Class
Approx. 40 pages per issue. Typeset. B&W photos.
Covers vintage plastic figures and playsets from Marx, Superior, T.Cohn,
Remco, Ideal and many others. Several articles per issue highlight
particular sets or items or contain general information on manufacturers,
grading, collection, etc. Also included are: show reports, new releases,
anecdotes, parts lists and reproduction instruction sheets, personal
and commercial ads to buy, sell or trade.
MINIATURE AIRCRAFT QUARTERLY is a full color magazine all about Aviation
toys and models - {non-flying}. This includes travel agency models {metal
and fibergalss}, identifcation models, 1:200 scale collector pieces, toys such
as die cast {Dinky, Tootsietoy, Solido, Mercury, Aero Mini, tin plate, cast
iron, plastic {Renwall}, and manufacturers presentation models {desk
models by Topping,Verkuyl, Pac Min, Bonzart etc}. Also free classified
advertising-aircraft models only. Miniature Aircraft Quarterly or MAQ is published
for a new club for collectors - I.M.A.C.S. The International Miniature
Aircraft Collectors Society.There are over 800 members from all over the world. A
membership is $38.50 and includes free classified ads in each issue.
(or e-mail GRWEBSTER)
(Tom's Note - If you are into airplanes you have to try this small,
but colorful and very well done magazine, and GRWEBSTER is
a reader of
"Toy Gun Collectors of America" newsletter. Published
bi-monthly by Jim Buskirk, 619-599-1054.
(Tom's Note - the supplier of this info noted it was
"Not a slick publication, but VERY informative. Has articles and
classifieds. ")
Box 4244, Missoula, MT 59806-4244
monthly, reg. sub. $21.00 1st class $39.00.
(Tom's Note - about 45 pages devoted to mostly old trucks
and cars, Buddy L's, Tonkas, Wyandotte etc. My first issue
is on the way, I'll let you know what I think after an issue or two.)
Q2.3: Where can I find replacement parts for old toy restoration?
A2.3: Two sources are;
Thomas Toys
Box 405
2017 Bly Drive
Fenton, MI 48430
They carry an illustrated catalog with many older toy vehicle parts.
20 Durham St
HellerTown, PA 18055
Mon-Fri 9 to 5 EST
"The" restorer for Olde Buddy L's etc.
Q2.4: Are there professional Toy Restorers?
A2.4: Yes. Here are a few listed who have
advertised in Antique Toy World Magazine
Tin Toy Works - makes any missing parts for
all tin toys (610) 439-8268
Russ Harrington - mech. and still banks and
cast iron (410) 687-8596
Randy's Toy Shop - Tin, celluloid, boxes, Iron
composition, clockwork (317) 843-1998
Sy Schreckinger - mechanical banks and toys
(516) 536-4154
Q2.5: What are some web pages devoted to old toys?
A2.5: There is an excellent page which lists all toy
sources (if you find one not there, let us know).
Thanks to Eric Myers;