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Fewture Models

If you want startling original vision and detail you need look no further than Fewture Models. This company's products serve as inspiration to sculptors from the Art Asylum, McFarlane Toys and many others.

One of Fewture's most popular lines is Devilman based on the manga and anime horror saga, and the company had plenty of new Devilman product on display at the Comic Con

Miki (October release) and Psychogenie (December release)

Satan (August release) and Ryo Asuka (out now)

Zan (November release)

Zenon (out now)

Fewture is also well known, and highly regarded, for it's original creations such as the popular Resurrection of the Monstress line that has had jaws dropping at previous shows.

Fewture Models has joined up with comics publisher Sirius for several projects including beautiful statues and a bust based on Joseph Michael Lisner's Dawn and, for next year, figures based on Drew Hayes' Poison Elves comic series.

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