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Prehistory Art

Check out the creative development of the Silent Screamers line by examining these never before seen sketches and design drawings done by the Art Asylum and Aztech Toyz staff. You can see the earliest ideas behind the figures and the evolution they each encountered on their way to their final form. Some of these sketches are so rough that you can imagine them scribbled on a cocktail napkin in a smoky bar. Others are more completely realized designs that were either reworked or abandoned in some way during the development process.

In any case, this is a rare look at the pre-history of an action figure line. Enjoy!

Cesare Concept Drawing

Cesare Concept Drawing

Cesare Concept Drawing

Cesare Concept Drawing

Cesare Concept Drawing

Caligari Concept Drawing

Caligari Concept Drawing

Renfield Concept Drawing

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