Warlands is a fantasy comic book series created by Pat Lee and published by Image Comics. Warlands takes place in a world where myth and magic are both very real. The storyline involves the Darklyte Crusade and tells of the quest for the mythical Darklyte Armor that was prophesied to be the key to stopping the vampire horde of Datara, under the tyrannical rule of the evil Malagen.
D-Boy is bringing the fantasy world of Warlands to life with this series of ultra-detailed and highly articulated action figures. The amazing work D-Boy has done on this line, as well as their Wu-Tang line should garner the company a lot of well-deserved attention.
D-Boy will be offering a special Warlands Elf Girl Ellessa Royal Armour variant figure in 2000. The version of Ellessa features a crystal clear armour with gold trim, and a gold and white Royal Attire. This is an exclusive figure available only through Another Universe.com and limited to 5000 units worldwide. There is also a signed edition available by creator Pat Lee!
Stay tuned for updates from D-Boy's showroom at Toy Fair 2000!
Warlands Regular Assortment
Aalok Dark Aalok Ellessa Malagen