San Diego Comic Con International:
Lord of the Rings
Next to the Lurtz was a display of props actually used in the filming of the movies. But the heart of the LOTR section was a display wall featuring all of Sideshow's LOTR collectible items. The Cave Troll was peeping over this wall in a "Kilroy was here" pose. (Center picture, top row.)
A new line of LOTR collectibles was announced at the convention: miniature weapons sets. Unfortunately, due to customs regulations, these miniature replicas are mounted to their display plaques. These begin shipping in October 2002, with a price of around $40 for each set. Nine sets in all. Series One is the Arms of the Fellowship, Series Two is the Arms of the Nazgul, and Series Three is the Arms of the Hobbits.
Click on any of the pictures below to see a larger version.
Sideshow's booth was in the Lord of the Rings Pavilion at the convention, so naturally their Lord of the Rings display area was going to be impressive. One corner featured a life-size Lurtz, with a life-size Ringwraith and Mount in the other corner.
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