Palisades Toys: Witchblade Animated
The Witchblade Animated action figures will be about 4.5 inches tall. The three figures in the series are Witchblade, Darkness, and Magdalena. The "Witchblade in trenchcoat" figure shown below will be an exclusive through ToyFare and Wizard magazines.
The pinkish-orange figures in the images below are 5% larger than the final figures will be - they are "test shots" which were on display as a size comparison to the larger painted prototypes.
(Learn more about these figures on the Palisades web site.)
The Witchblade Junior set is a set of four "super deformed" PVCs, only one of which is shown painted in the images below. (All four will be painted, the yellow ones pictured below are unpainted sculpts. See them painted on the Palisades web site.) The four characters are: Witchblade, Darkness, Aphrodite IX, and Magdalena.
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