The Ultimate Guide to
Action Figures
Series II
Although there were only four new characters, the second series did have a few highlights. The second series figures were easily distinguishable by a notation on the card front that shouted "Bonus Collector Card Included!" (the first series figures also came fith trading cards, but there is no mention of it on the card-front). However, the series was sparsely distributed and the figures sold quickly. Here's a rundown of the second series figures:
Solar Suit Superman
Although it would seem to be redundant for the Man of Steel to need a suit of any kind, it is difficult to keep coming out with distinct versions of the main character without adding concepts such as this one. The figure came with a space probe launcher backpack.
Street Guardian Superman
From the Elseworlds series of characters (made popular by the Legends of Batman figures), this figure is probably the most unique of the entire series. With his chain ready for action, Superman looks like he would be just as at home on a Harley as he would zipping through the skies of Metropolis.
Ultra Shield Superman
It's a totally armored Superman. Covered from head to toe in high tech battlegear, this is another of the Superman variations that Kenner dreamed up. While many collectors might have preferred a Cyborg Superman or another villain (heaven forbid we have more than one villain in an assortment), this figure was actually a very cool piece. The sculpting and design are pretty sleek. Fellow collector David Thiel astutely pointed out that this outfit is remarkably similar to the one Supes wore in the "Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite" storyline. Good call!
Lex Luthor
Undoubtedly the most sought after figure in the entire, Lex Luthor was also one of the best realized figures. With his removable hornet armor and menacing scowl, Lex made a suitable opponent for the Man of Steel. The armor was also multifunctional (Lex could also hold the "wings" as weapons) and water shot out of the headgear when the tail was squeezed. Fun for everyone.
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All characters and likenesses on this page are copyright © and/or . This page is non-profit and no harm is intended. Artwork on these pages by Jurgens, Breeding, Guice, Rodier, Jusko and EGM. Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. This page is not affiliated with Kenner or DC Comics.