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Marvel Legends Box Sets

With the growing success of the Marvel Legends line, Toybiz is proud to announce three new box sets to be released in the coming year. First up is a new X-Men Legends box set.

The new X-Men Legends II box set includes Banshee, Phasing Action Shadowcat, Blasting Cannonball, Havok and Chamber. All are highly articulated, and the set includes a new X-Men poster book.

The new Avengers Legends box set is a three-pack introducing a more affordable option to boosting your Marvel Legends collection. The Avengers set includes Hercules, Modern Wasp, Yellowjacket, and an Avengers poster book.

As a new addition to the Marvel Legends line, Toybiz introduces the first of the Marvel Legends Famous Covers Two-Packs. This Marc Silvestri Two-Pack includes Crucifixion Wolverine, from the cover of Uncanny X-Men #251, complete with X-Cross base, and from the cover of New X-Men #153, Sublime Beast, the villian of Grant Morrison's futuristic tale "Here Comes Tomorrow". This Two-Pack includes reprints of Uncanny X-Men #251 and New X-Men #153, and showcases marc Silvestri's art in the Marvel Legends style.









Sublime Beast


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