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SHOWCASE 2005 - Part 1

Created by Distant Thunder Studios.


Wow, talk about a mixed bag. But, at least they're all Dark Horse properties�

Boba Fett

Mr. Fett was done in July. I lost him. When I saw Lestat's on Fwooshnet (and if you haven't, you have to) I was hell-bent on finding my own. He started as an X2 Wolverine, with Nick Fury arms. Everything else came from the Unleashed Boba Fett staction figure.

Darth Vader

This guy was literally a bunch little chunks of plastic and a huge head until Lestat showed me the way. His body finally came together with SC Scorpion as a base, and ML8 Iron Man's boots and gloves. Everything else was Unleashed Vader.


Man, I love this figure. His torso is a movie Hulk, with Mr. Fixit filling in below the waist, and movie Hellboy's head, hand, tail and belt. When Hellboy 1.5 was released, I tossed his old ML Thing trenchcoat in favor of the new one. I also changed to the ultimate Hellboy head; the stogie model.


Heh. Everybody does their self-portrait. Not everybody sticks it in custom con. I'm a ML6 Punisher, with a heavily modified He-Man head. The hat came from a McF's MLB Yankee, and the tattoos are courtesy of Two Kat's Tats in SLC, UT.

The Abe Sapien in the background is just a slightly modded version, with X2 Wolvie pants and the same Special Forces Flak Jacket I'm sporting.


Just a basic moosh of the MM Predator 1 and Predator 2 figs. The new elbows came out of the part bin, and the unmasked head was on the original box set Predator. A little paint and he's finito.

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