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Avengers Unlimited Series 3

Created by Bottleimp (bottleimp@hotmail.com).
Web site: www.toymania.com/custom/Galleries/Bottleimp/


Green Lantern: John Stewart head on a Kyle Rayner body-the hair was sculpted on and the shoulders were bulked up to match the Green Lantern body type. This was a quick and fun piece for me-comic book aficionados will recognize the design as John Stewart's costume from the short-lived "Green Lantern Mosaic" comic of the early 1990's.

Black Panther: Atom-Smasher head with sculpted ears on a Metamorpho body.

Quicksilver: Sinestro figure with the top of the noggin sliced off and replaced with the hair from an Arkis Chummuck figure. I should have sanded down the belt line on Sinestro, but that's laziness for you.

Nova: Like Thor from the last CustomCon, Nova was an excuse to use up one of those elbow-jointed figures that I loathe so much. The body was a Green Lantern with the joints superglued, shaved down, and resculpted, and thehead came from a Batman with a sculpted helmet. The star is cut plastic. I spent a long time trying to make a neck peg for the head, but finally got frustrated and glued the thing on, so no neck articulation here. At least he can swivel at the waist if he wants to look to the side.

Scarlet Witch: The body is from a Black Canary, which I sliced in half at the midriff, glued a 1/8' plastic bit in between the halves, and sculpted over to give a little more height. The arms are from an Anastasia figure, which I used for the long gloves and the fact that the hands are a little more interesting for hex-casting poses. The head and cape came from a Wonder Woman, and the headpiece is vinyl, with a sculpted lock of hair falling over it.

Sleepwalker: I liked the look of the Riddler figure from The Batman line so much that I bought it without knowing what I'd be using it for. Then one day, going through some old comics, I rediscovered Sleepwalker. The angular, gangly body fit perfectly. I switched the head for a Martian Manhunter, sculpted over the nose, smoothed out the Riddler's costume lines, and sculpted the hood, cloak, gloves, sash and boots. I'm really happy with the way this turned out - it's a great design for such a lame character.

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