Alpha Flight
Created by 1Coyote ([email protected]).
Aurora is a straight Wasp figure with the hair cut away and the five inch Aurora toy's hair pasted on. The hands are from Emma Frost and her legs are from Psylock from the knees down.
Box is made from a Hulk figure with apoxie adding the detail like the bands and the face.
Guardian is made from a Daredevil with Angel arms and Iron Fist head.
Second Guardian is a Mystique figure with a Jessica Alba Invisible Woman head.
Marina is Cammy figure with Apoxie added. Her bottom legs are from a Star Trek Slave girl.
Northstar is a bullseye body with Nightcrawler legs, Angel feet, Silver Surfer hands and head with Apoxie added hair.
Puck is a modified Hobbit figure.
Shaman is a Spider-Man figure with the head from a Mr. Fantastic head from the classic line. The pouch is from some Anime toy.
Snowbird is the original 5' inch line head and cape added to the top part of a Mystique toy, with Storm arms, and the bottom half of a Psylocke toy.
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