Artificial Earth
Hound - Made from Beast Changer Transformer, various Power Ranger
pieces and Quik Wood epoxy putty.
Lazarus - Made from an X Men acessory, two head shoulders, Ultimate
Rhino hands, Quake legs and Quik Wood.
Mighty Kong - Made from an Ultimate Rhino, the Batman hands, Power
Ranger head and Quik Wood epoxy putty.
Rocket Lion - Made from Power Ranger pieces, Cheetor Transformer hips
and legs, Optimus Primal shoulders and Quik Wood epoxy putty.
Iron Goat - Made from McFarlane Monsters head, Beetlte Borg shoulders,
Transformer legs, Power Ranger hands and Quik Wood epoxy putty.
Chimera - Made from Transformers, Soul Reaver parts and Quik Wood.
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