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Marvel Legends: Wrecking Crew Box Set

Created by Cal ([email protected]).
Web site: http://www.calscustoms.com


Wrecker: The base figure for Wrecker is a Marvel Legends (ML) Luke Cage. The hands were taken from a ML Cable and the Legs are from a ML Age of Apocalypse Sabretooth figure. Apoxie Sculpt was used for the mask, gloves, belt and upper torso.

Bulldozer: The base figure for Bulldozer is a ML Frankenstein. The head is from a Spiderman Classics (SMC) Sandman figure and the boots from a ML Wonderman figure. Apoxie Sculpt was used for the helmet and other body armor.

Piledriver: The base figure for Piledriver is a TNA Bobby Roode. The head is from a ML Quicksilver, boots from a ML Wonderman, and hands and legs from a TNA Scott Steiner figure. Apoxie Sculpt was used for the mask, belt, forearms and boot cuffs.

Thunderball: The base figure for Thunderball is a Legendary Comicbook Heroes Conan. The legs are from a ML Luke Cage figure and the ball and chain from a SMC Absorbing Man. Apoxie Sculpt was used for the hair, belt and gloves.

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