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Dino Warriors Action Figures

Return to the Dino Warriors Action Figures News (April 18, 2005)


On a faraway planet called ZAURUS™, in a far-future time, a race of man called the NEOMEN™ live among intelligent, dinosaur-like creatures called ZAURIDS™. Using the awesome power of these friendly giants, the Neomen have built an exotic civilization that respects the nature and lifeforms of their beautiful home planet. For thousands of years, their world thrives and prospers, undisturbed --- until a warlike enemy from the dark side of this "jungle moon" pays the Neomen an unwelcome visit.

The brutal DARKTHAL™ are a contradiction onto themselves --- although they look like man-monsters, they possess a keen intelligence, advanced weapons, and ride their own breed of giant, vicious Zaurids. This evil partnership makes its intentions known quickly, when Thal Troopers march upon several remote Neomen villages, far from the protection of any major cities. Their ultimate goal --- take over this resource-rich territory to replace their own abused and dying one, and found a new Darkthal kingdom!

So begins an epic battle of good and evil, where man and mammoth fight to decide the fate of a world, and a way of life!

The World and Warring Races of ZAURUS...

Zaurus is a mega-class planet, 2.5 times the size of Earth, and equally bio-diverse. More than a third of Zaurus' landmass exists cloaked beneath a canopy of primeval rainforests and lush jungles. It was here among the giant trees that the noble Neomen evolved from small groups of agrarian tribes many thousands of years ago, living and communing with the natural world and the planet's unique life forms --- namely the dinosaur-like Zaurids indigenous to their rainforest territories.

The Neomen discovered that these gentle giants could be communicated with by using their natural talent for telepathy, honed by generations of learning to communicate silently between themselves in their often dangerous environment. This talent is heightened by using a magical crystal element called Zathyst, which, when worn in the form of a bracelet or amulet, acts like a super-antenna for transmitting and receiving telepathic communications between beast and man. A strong and lasting relationship has been forged between the species and, with the help of their mighty and loyal Zaurid friends, the Neomen have built an idyllic civilization. Their indian-like villages dot verdant grasslands and jungle clearings, and their treetop cities reach up into the canopies of the rainforest.

Their Zaurids readily defend the Neomen in battle, allowing the humans to ride them like huge warhorses. Likewise, the Zaurids are offered the comraderie and help of Neomen protectors. Equipped with primitive, yet effective weaponry to further augment their already awesome strength, these gigantic reptilian beasts and their human counterparts are a major force to be reckoned with in their defense of the "jungle moon".

The Darkthal are a technologically advanced, but barbaric race of beast-men from the far side of Zaurus. With a cunning mind that belies their outwardly grotesque appearance, the Darkthal have industrialized their mountain territories using the sinister blue fuel mineral called Arzul. Powered by this energy source, Darkthals have developed rudimentary energy weapons and other such implements of war in their quest to usurp more territories of the planet.

Slowly advancing from the heart of their kingdom, crushing small pockets of local resistance opposed to their rule, the Darkthal are at turning point in their civilization. Empowered though they are through their discovery of Arzul, mining and refining the mineral has irreversibly corrupted their environment over the centuries --- and even mutated their physiologies to their present grotesqueness. They must find a new, pure land to expand their kingdom to. Advance scouts and warriors are sent into the wilderness far beyond their territories in this quest.

Time brings these interlopers to the outer fringes of the Neomen jungles, where they initially find ease in trampling the first few villages they come across into the mud. But before long, news of their incursion reaches the cities deep within the rainforest, rallying the Neomen armies. Outfitting their Zaurid steeds with battle rigged saddles and weapons, the Neomen steel themselves for a war with a fearsome adversary --- armed with advanced weapons, superhuman strength, and the intelligence to see their plans of domination through, this enemy is unlike any they've encountered before.

Major Character Bios/Common Troops...

The warrior races on Zaurus have a "champion", or most respected warrior that spearheads their troops into battle. The following are short biographies of these champions, and the common troop types they command.


The warrior prince of the Neomen tribes. He is the only son and heir of the legendary Chief Garmus of The Great Tree Peoples. Young and headstrong, Gammon is nonetheless their most talented general, with the welfare and defense of the Neomen his greatest priority. He has been known at times to be reckless in the pursuit of his enemies, winning battles by the skin of his royal teeth against the disciplined Darkthal adversary --- much to the chagrin of his revered father. Though criticized by elder generals for his impetuosness, Gammon's heroism knows no equal in the ranks of the Neomen forces, and his kind heart and brave spirit has won him the loyalty of the common tribespeople.

Into battle, Gammon wears his hallmark armor and a leather cowl, painted in the rich colors of the jungle. He is armed with his two-handed Neomen "Tamer" sword. Astride his beloved Zaurid companion, the mighty Blade Rex bull named Syr, Gammon charges onto the battlefield, a champion of The Great Tree Cities.


Feared military leader of the Darkthal Horde. A seasoned warrior, it is insulting to this arrogant but respected soldier that he should be pitted against the "youngling" Neoman general, Gammon of The Great Tree Peoples. But after having met the young warrior on the battlefield, Volzor knows he is no mere youth, but a more than capable adversary. To his embarrassment, Volzor has tasted his share of defeat at Gammon's hands, and now burns obsessively to crush the young leader under his steel toed boots. It is at any cost that Volzor will persue his goal to defeat Gammon, and destroy the Neomen civilization once and for all.

Volzor rides a monstrosity called a Ram Rex. Heavily armored, bony-headed, and toothsome, Volzor's mount Iregis is a powerful and vicious beast barely held in rein. Together, they are a frightening symbol of Darkthal military power.


Agile and armored, these dynamic warriors are equally versed in fighting from the backs of their zaurids, in the jungle treetops, or on the ground. They are the sword and soul of The Great Tree Peoples, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in defense of their home territories.

They commonly ride the zaurid species "THREATOLOPS" --- gentle zaurids by nature, they none the less become fearless beasts of war when brought onto the battlefield, and will fight with devastating effect.


The backbone of the Darkthal forces, the Thal Trooper is a superhumanly strong adversary. Heavily armed and armored, the Thal Trooper epitomizes the evil might and intentions of the Darkthal culture.

Thal Troopers commonly ride the surly and spike tailed "SHRASHTAR" zaurid. It is a scimitar-horned force to be reckoned with, mean to the core with a bad attitude to match --- just like its evil masters!


Both the Neomen and Darkthal utilize the skills of specially trained scouts and smaller, fleet-footed zaurid species to locate and engage enemies in the dense jungle. Though their main job is to hunt the enemy, these units also hunt prey animals to supplement the rations of troops in the field.

Return to the Dino Warriors Action Figures News (April 18, 2005)

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