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Jan Huling's Custom for We Ain't Plastic Show

We Ain't Plastic Show Qee Figures

October 2009 - Bedazzeld? Please!

Introducing Jan Huling's custom 8" DIY Pigee Qee for the We Ain't Plastic show. Her beaded artwork is like nothing else in the customizing world. The intricate detail and maze-like patterns set her artwork apart from others and for good reason. On top of that - she's one heck of a nice person. Each piece is truly unique with inspired designs and humorous add ons.

Calling Hoboken, NJ her home - Jan online gallery should be checked out as her work astonishes every viewer and is something to behold. With solo shows coming up very soon - heed this warning - do not miss her shows. Psst - rumor has it she will be doing additional Qee pieces for her upcoming show too....!

Jan's work can be found online at http://www.janhuling.com/main.html


We Ain't Plastic Show Qee Figures

We Ain't Plastic Show Qee Figures

We Ain't Plastic Show Qee Figures

We Ain't Plastic Show Qee Figures

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