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January 2010 Hasbro GI Joe Q&A

January 2010 - Every other month, Hasbro will answer three questions about their GI Joe products. Below are the questions and answers for this month.

1. Will waves 1 & 2 originally scheduled for January/February 2010 still be released on schedule or are they considered part of the "Pursuit of Cobra" line that isn't scheduled until fall 2010?

Answer: The first "The Pursuit of Cobra" waves scheduled for early 2010 will now be available in the back half of 2010. These Pursuit of Cobra items will replace The Rise of Cobra.

2. Will there be a significant packaging design change in 2010?

Answer: Yes, we have significant packaging changes that begin with The Pursuit of Cobra line in fall 2010. Our goal was to build off the classic packaging of the 1980's and infuse it with a modern feel. You can expect to see more news about this over the next few months!

3. Any chance of Child Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow being released in the main line? The Child Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow figures released in the kids' Combat Heroes line are a great addition to the collection. However, the fight between Child Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow is one of the most exciting and action-packed in the G.I. Joe movie, and seems like the characters would be well-suited to being released in the main 3 3/4" line of G.I. Joe figures. Will we see these characters released as articulated figures? If not, why not?

Answer: This is a great idea, but we have no plans for this at the moment. 2010 will focus on The Pursuit of Cobra and these figures don't make as much sense given this new theme.

Be sure to check out the previous Q&As as well.

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