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RTM-exclusive Raavia and Shield of Draumm Figures

Queen Alluxandra and Her Court

February 2010 - The RTM-exclusive Raavia action figure, the "red tiger" variant from the 2009 FANtastic Exclusive project from the Four Horsemen, is ready to ship out from the RTM home base! If tigers aren't your thing, perhaps a hippo is more your style? The Shield of Draumm action figures are also still available.

Also, we've set up a "scratch and dent" page for sales of "less than perfect" figures at reduced rates. You can see these items on our eCrater.com page. If you want a hippo to open and don't care about the packaging, or if you wanted a tiger to repaint, then this section is for you!

Each of the "less than perfect" items is unique, so if you are interested, be sure to look over the pictures and descriptions for each figure to decide which one is right for you.

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