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Millionaire Playboy at Toy Fair & on Your Phone

Millionaire Playboy on your Phone

WASHINGTON DC - FEBRUARY 10, 2011 -- The Millionaire Playboys are heading to NYC to cover the American International Toy Fair beginning this weekend. There will be video, pics, news, and tweets coming live from the floor of Javits, but we want you to be able to follow along without being tied to your computer.

toy fair via your phone

Swing by the all new MillionairePlayboy.com mobile site. Simply visit http://millionairepb.com/phone with your smartphone's browser and see the latest tweets, watch videos, check out our image gallery (which we'll be uploading to all day), send us mail, and more.

toy fair via your phone

Don't like to use your phone's tiny keyboard? Use any QR Scanner app and scan the bar code, your phone will load the site automatically (then you can bookmark it or what have you) There are hundreds of free QR Scanner apps out there for all camera phones, but we recommend ScanIt by Moblico if you were looking for a recommendation. It's fast, and free.

MillionairePlayboy.com's mobile site is accessible on all web enabled smart phones including iPhone, Blackberry, Droid, and Windows Phone.

Are you the parent of a small child? We've also made a mobile version of our sister publication NonToxicReviews.com, the Daddy Blog that Makes the Mommy Blogs Cringe. There is a link to the NTR mobile site at the bottom of MPb's mobile site, and there will be even more Toy Fair coverage available there as well.

MillionairePlayboy.com, put down that action figure and pick up your phone.

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