Heads Up! Tom Hanks and Steven Segal Found In Asia
We thought you might like to see these two heads that are starting to show up in China, Hong Kong and Singapore. The first is the unused Tom Hanks head that was originally planned to be a Hasbro Saving Private Ryan 12" figure that was ultimately scrapped at the behest of the film's director, Steven Spielberg.The second, from an unknown manufacturer, is an unauthorized reproduction of martial arts mega-superstar Steven Segal (well, he made some movies, anyway.). We are told that the heads will fit on both G.I. Joe and 21st Century bodies. UPDATED: Some new information has come to light regarding the Tom Hanks head. Barry Kay is a writer for the G.I. Joe Collectors Club Newsletter, and he serves as a G.I. Joe collector consultant for Hasbro. Barry has confirmed that this head is not the same as the cancelled Saving Private Ryan figure - but is an unauthorized all-new sculpt and is being mass-produced in Asian factories. The head has been selling on eBay as the real deal when it is, in fact, not. The upshot of this is, it's an excellently done piece and the likeness is reportedly better overall than the canceled Hasbro figure. Thanks to David from Toyworkz, Singapore, a new collectibles shop (with a website coming soon), for the image. [Updated 3/10/2000]