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McDonald's Spy Kids 3-D Overview

spy kids toys at mcdonalds

July 25, 2003 - From July 25 to August 14, McDonald's will be offering Spy Kids 3-D toys in their Happy Meals (read the original news item).

Each of the six different premiums includes a toy figure, a 3-D comic book based on the film Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over, and a pair of 3-D glasses. The six comic books are all part of a single story, with cliffhanger endings for the first five.

spy kids toys at mcdonalds

Each pair of 3-D glasses has different appearance, and each has a gadget techo look. The toy figures are all made of a clear plastic with printed inserts which are best viewed through the 3-D glasses.

Each figure has a code hidden on it - the code can be used to solve puzzles in the comic books, access areas on the McDonald's web site, and access secrets in the Spy Kids 3-D computer game and the GameBoy Advance game. (The codes can be found without the use of the 3-D glasses... peek through the round magnifying glass sections of each figure to find the code.)

spy kids toys at mcdonalds

#1 - Carmen on Cycle (above right)
#2 - Juni on Cycle (above left)

The Cycle toys both feature a rolling wheel in the front with a "stand" in the back so that they can be easily displayed.

spy kids toys at mcdonalds

#3 - Carmen in Robot (above left)
#4 - Juni in Robot (above right)

The Robot toys both have twist joints at the shoulders.

spy kids toys at mcdonalds

#5 - Carmen Action Figure (above right)
#6 - Juni Action Figure (above left)

The heads on the Carmen and Juni figures can twist.

A small tip for drive-thru purchases of these toys: the Carmen toys all are in baggies with black and red printing on them, while the Juni toys are all in baggies with black and blue printing. Asking for the toy by the printing color might be easier than explaining that you want the "girl in the robot."

Want to do a bit of spy-related web surfing? A few sites of interest:

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