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Mega Bloks: PROBUILDER Sets

September 2003 - This summer Mega Bloks has released three new PROBUILDER® construction sets. The PROBUILDER sets are model replicas that snap together and require no glue.

mega bloks probuilder

mega bloks probuilder

PROBUILDER® FDNY Fire® Truck - Ride along with the men and women of the New York City Fire Department. This finely detailed replica of a state-of-the-art fire truck honors New York's bravest. Featuring officially licensed FDNY® logos, the truck includes an extending ladder, opening accessory cabinets, working lights, four siren sounds and much more. A percentage of the PROBUILDER® FDNY® Fire Truck sale benefits the FDNY® Fire Safety Education Fund.

mega bloks probuilder

mega bloks probuilder

PROBUILDER® Space Shuttle - The men and women who explore the heavens aboard American's space shuttles are celebrated with this amazing model replica of Space Shuttle Endeavour. The replica features opening payload bay doors, extendible robotic arm, lab, satellite, payload pallet and authentic voice and sound effects. Like all PROBUILDER® mdoels, the PROBUILDER® Space Shuttle offers great play value and is also a beautiful display-class model that will be the centerpiece of any room.

mega bloks probuilder

mega bloks probuilder

PROBUILDER® USS Kittyhawk - It's "Anchors Aweigh" as Mega Bloks pays tribute to the sailors, soldiers and pilots of the USS Kittyhawk. This detailed replica of the U.S. Navy's elite aircraft carrier features many special parts such as a rotating radar, moveable fun stations, jet-blast deflectors and real working flight-deck elevators. This set also includes scale model planes. The completed model is two feet long.

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