Lugosi Not Joining Sideshow Toy Monster Lineup
It has been long rumored that an action figure of Bela Lugosi as Dracula would turn up in the fourth assortment of Sideshow Toy's Universal Monsters 8" figure line. According to a recent newsletters sent out by Sideshow Toy, it appears, unfortunately, that won't be happening. According to Sideshow:We have had an over-whelming amount of requests for us to design a Lugosi Dracula action figure. We are sorry to say that a Lugosi Dracula figure will not be included in Series 4 as we have been unable to finalize an agreement with the Lugosi Estate. If there is an opportunity to create a Lugosi Dracula action figure in the future, we will do it, but at this time it appears unlikely. Despite Lugosi's absence from the fourth series, Sideshow Toy still has a killer lineup scheduled a fall release. Frankenstein's Monster from The Son of Frankenstein, The Mole Man and The Werewolf of London will be haunting toy stores everywhere this fall. To sign up for Sideshow Toy's email newsletter and get the latest information from the company sent directly to your email inbox just click here. [Updated 4/10/2000]