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Dragon Models WWII New Guinea

dragon models dewey action figure

March 2004 - Dragon Models has announced a new 12-inch action figure of an American World War II soldier: "Dewey" 162nd Regiment "Jungleer" 41st Infantry Division Biak New Guinea 1944. He is due out in April 2004, with a suggested retail price of $39.99 USD.

His uniform and insignia include:

  • M1 Helmet with Cast Style
  • Third-Pattern HBT Worksuit
  • Sleeveless Undershirt
  • USMC Boots
  • Dogtag

His accessories (weapons and equipment) include:
  • M1936 Pistol Belt
  • U.S. Army Water Can
  • M43 Packboard
  • Service Glasses
  • M1 Carbine .30 cal Twin-Magazine Pocket
  • M42 Machete with Scabbard
  • Metal Canteen with Cover
  • M1 Carbine

dragon models dewey action figure

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