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Look Out Furby! Here Comes Robonagi

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robonagi_loose.jpg - 3709 BytesThe Robonagis are coming! If you find yourself wondering "What's a Robonagi?" you're not alone, but soon everyone will know about them. Robonagi is a new electronic toy from a company called Topix.

Robonagi can talk, interact, sing, dance and play games. Press any of the Robonagi sensors, cover it's eyes or make a loud noise, and it will talk to you. Put it facing a Nagi friend, and they will talk to each other. In the beginning, it will speak lots of Nagish, but the more you talk with it, the more English it will learn. It can also learn English from other Nagi.

I will sing on my own when I am happy, or I will sing when you play with me for a while. I know many different songs. Face your Nagi towards another and they can sing to and with each other. Robonagi will also dance when they are happy, or in reponse to hearing music. They can dance alone or with another Nagi.

robonagi_pkg.jpg - 6077 BytesYou can play �Nagi Says� with your Robonagi if you pet it's tummy and then hold it's back sensor for 3 seconds. Then do what it says when I says �please�. If it doesn't say please, don�t do it!

Robonagi's can also play games of IR tag using their infrared sensors.

Robonagi retails for approximately $49.99, and is available in a huge range of colors, including special limited editions. For more information be sure to check out www.robonagi.com.

[Posted 5/16/2000]

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