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Silent Screamers Update: Alex Ross Art and Series 2 Preview!

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RTM is proud to present to you the amazing blister card packaging design for the upcoming Silent Screamers line, coming this summer from Aztech Toyz and the inmates at the Art Asylum.

Each beautifully designed blister card features the stunning artwork of master painter, and comics superstar, Alex (Marvels, Kingdom Come) Ross. Each figure will also come packed with a collectors card that will be printed on clear plastic to emulate a film cell.

The figures are being released in two versions: full color and sepia toned (to capture the look and style of the old silent movie classics the figures are based upon). The card art will reflect this, as well.

Aztech Toyz has also provided RTM a first look at Silent Screamers Series 2, which is due out later in the year.

To check out the Silent Screamers blister card art, and for a preview of Silent Screamers 2, just use the handy links below.

[Posted 5/24/2000]

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Full Color Cards Sepia Tone Cards Silent Screamers Series 2

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