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Nov 21-27: National Games Week

national games week 2004

National Games Week is November 21-27, 2004

Broomfield, Colorado - November 19, 2004 - Games industry professionals throughout the country have joined together to promote the educational, social and entertainment value of playing non-electronic games. During National Games Week™, November 21-27, 2004, people across the country will be encouraged to turn off the television, step away from the computer and play a game. Any sort of game will do, such as board games, card games, roleplaying games, miniatures games and family and party games.

During the past decade, there has been a boom in non-electronic games. What was once considered a niche market has become mainstream. Board games have already set a sixth straight annual sales record, even before the key Christmas season. The art of game design and appearance has grown incredibly. There is a vast variety of games that adults and kids can play together, and all enjoy the shared experience of a smart game, some competition and a lot of interaction. The industry has evolved to include 40,000 products with over $5 billion in sales expected for 2004*. Many of the games are available through specialty stores rather than the mass market.

"Millions of game enthusiasts already know that games are positive, social entertainment," said Mark Simmons, the founder of National Games Week and publisher of Games Quarterly™, "We are encouraging individuals, schools, game stores, churches, and anyone else to hold a Games Day event during National Games Week, showcasing the fun of game for family and friends."

Thousands of Games Day Hosts have been provided with the tools to make a fun, successful event- posters, invitation cards, National Games Week Official U.S. postage stamps, information for educators, even promotional copies of games, via the web site www.nationalgamesweek.net.

Key sponsors for this year include Wizards of the Coast, makers of Magic The Gathering™and Dungeons & Dragons™; Eagle Games, publisher the new Bootleggers™; Pok�mon USA, organizers of huge Pok�mon™ Trading Card Game events; Rio Grande Games, whose title Carcassonne won Best Game of the Year in Germany and the USA; and Mayfair Games, whose flagship game Settlers of Catan has won the same two awards and produced an entire product line.

* According to annual industry surveys through 2001 and extrapolations by industry experts.

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