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HasbroCollectors Presents The Flying Board Game Collection

has_parcheesi_plane.jpg - 6286 BytesHasbroCollectors has launched The Flying Board Game Collection, a new line of die-cast bi-planes that feature designs based on classic board games such as Monopoly, Battleship, Yahtzee, Scrabble, Clue and Parcheesi.

Each plane has a 4" wingspan, is equipped with a pilot, navigator and a propellor that spins, and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

The Flying Board Games Collection is exclusively available from HasbroCollectors. You can order each plane individually online at HasbroCollectors.com, or call 1-800-939-2754 and arrange for each plane to be sent to you, approximately every four weeks. Each hand-crafted plane is available for $19.95 (plus $2.99 per plane for shipping, handling and insurance. Sales tax will be billed if applicable).

Like the classic games that inspired its creation, this collection will stand the test of time.

[Posted 7/05/2000]

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