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MechWarrior World Champion Crowned

September 1, 2005 (SEATTLE) - WizKids Inc., creator of the runaway hit games MechWarrior®: Age of Destruction and Pirates of the Spanish Main™, is proud to announce that Alex Alami of Vancouver, British Columbia, became the MechWarrior world champion on August 21, 2005, at Gen Con Indy.

"Alex represents the finest things about our MechWarrior community," said Mike Samora, vice president of Sales and Marketing for WizKids®. "He was the perfect gentleman in competition, and his clear mastery of MechWarrior is an example to all players." Alex bested Dain Geitz of the United States in a 'Mech™-dominated match for the world's top MechWarrior honor. People from all over North America, South America and Europe competed.

Alex's trophy is a Mad Cat IV 'Mech™ painted in the faction color scheme of his choice: House Davion. He also will receive four copies of every MechWarrior release for a single year, rather than the Firestorm Tesla II cockpit pod from Virtual World and MechJock.com.

Alex's victory is the third year in a row that a Canadian has taken the top title at the MechWarrior World Championship.

Founded by 25-year game-industry veteran Jordan Weisman, WizKids is a Seattle-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating tabletop games driven by imagination. Its MechWarrior and HeroClix® CMGs and Pirates and Rocketmen™ CSGs are among the most successful games on the market today, and the company has sold hundreds of millions of game pieces worldwide. For additional information, visit www.wizkidsgames.com.

�2005 WizKids Inc. All rights reserved. MechWarrior, HeroClix, Pirates of the Spanish Main, Rocketmen, 'Mech and WizKids are trademarks of WizKids Inc.

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