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How To Break Into Comics

how to break into comics



September 2, 2005 - Want to know how to go about writing, drawing and submitting comic book work of a professional standard?

Then join character Yumei Katana on her fictional quest as she attempts to answer that question.

HOW TO BREAK INTO COMICS! comes from the writer of MR.T and ACTION MAN, Chris Bunting, and the artist of Image Comics's WONDERLAND, Kit Wallis.

Writer Bunting said: "This comic focuses on the creative and technical methods necessary to become a successful comic creator, but it's presented in a unique way: as an actual comic book story."

The story sees Yumei from Antarctic Press's NINJA HIGH SCHOOL undertake a high school assignment on, of course, how to break into comics. Focusing on both art and writing, she is joined along the way by many of Antarctic Press's most popular characters as she gathers advice from their real-life creators.

Bunting continued: "Yep, there's a bit of postmodernism in there, but it's really a light-hearted story with a serious agenda: to throw light on the many unanswered questions of aspiring comic professionals. And due to Kit's unique, manga art, it looks sensational too!"

Bunting is joined by fellow Brit, Kit Wallis, an artist who has already worked for top three comic book publisher, Image Comics.

Antarctic Press - based in Texas, USA and best known for its line of popular manga titles � is currently celebrating its twentieth year of publishing. With over 850 titles produced and a circulation total of over 5 million, Antarctic Press has seen itself grown into one of the largest publishers in the United States.

HOW TO BREAK INTO COMICS! is 22 pages and has a suggested retail price of $2.99.

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