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Roman Dirge's Lenore PVC Set

lenore pvc figures

October 2005 - Dark Horse is releasing a set of PVC figures based on Lenore by Roman Dirge.

The three unarticulated PVC figures are each about four inches tall and are sculpted based on Roman Dirge's original art. They will be packaged in a full-color window box with packaging art by Roman Dirge. The set should be in stores in late November 2005, with a suggested retail price of US$14.99.

In early 2006, Dark Horse will be releasing several other Lenore items: a Lenore stationery set ($4.99), journal ($9.95), and Zippo lighter ($29.99).

lenore pvc figures
Ragamuffin & Pooty

lenore pvc figures
Mr. Gosh

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