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Clive Barker at Sherman Oaks Tower

visions of heaven and hell

Envision Heaven and Hell with Clive Barker at Tower Records Sherman Oaks, October 30th at 3:00

October 2005 - Tower is please to announce the Halloween in store of the year, Clive Barker at Sherman Oaks on October 30th at 3:00. All of LA is invited!

Clive Barker will be on hand to autograph copies of his latest book, Visions of Heaven and Hell, featuring artwork from the Abarat series and his private collection.

As a huge bonus to fans, Clive will be painting an original canvas in the store while discussing his visions. Be on hand for this once in a lifetime opportunity. While there, Tower will be surprising a few lucky individuals with autographed sets of the Tortured Souls and Infernal Parade action figures as well as having Trick-or-Treat Goodie bags for the first 100 people in line! JONES Soda will be on hand to offer samples of all their Halloween flavors and Art Asylum will be offering sneak peaks at the new line of plush toys from Clive Barker's Jump Tribe line.

Bring your Clive Barker collectibles in to get signed, take photos and meet the man who has put horror in your head for the past decades and years to come!!

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