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Toy & Game Inventor's Forum Evolves

Toy & Game Inventor's Forum (TGIF) Announces Larger Conference & Exposition Format
January 12, 2006 - Aurora, IL - Celebrating its 10th Anniversary, the Toy & Game Industry Foundation (producers of the highly acclaimed Toy & Game Inventor's Forum "TGIF") announce the launch of:

Presented by
Toy & Game Industry Foundation, Inc.

The Conference & Exposition is a direct reflection of the changing industry. "We're positioning this conference to fully address and service the needs of the industry as a whole," said Carol Rehtmeyer, Executive Producer.

The event will be an annual toy, game and entertainment based educational Conference & Exposition targeting manufacturers, inventors, distributors, entrepreneurs, media, importers, buyers, industry service providers, sales agents and seasoned industry professionals.

"Building on the reputation and the success of the Inventor's Forum we have decided to expand the current format into a larger Exposition presence, to address the individuals and associations that are not being served," said Carol Rehtmeyer.

No other event offers the opportunity to exchange ideas, make connections and conduct the business of buying in a non-competitive format to such a diverse gathering of industry players in one venue. TGIFCon will create new and exciting results in the industry, from mass market and specialty market purchases, agreements and licensing products to creative partnerships. TGIFCon is the industry response to a need for an effective and dynamic educational and buying experience.

The Toy & Game Industry Foundation's Toy & Game Inventor's Forum, has a long tradition of leadership and innovation. For more than a decade, the Forum has set the standard for the toy and game industries, introducing new and creative product lines that are being carried forward into TGIFCon for 2006.

The three-day Conference features roundtable discussions, one-on-one consultations, speaker presentations and intra-industry seminars hosted by a faculty of over 40 industry executives that will impart their wisdom in a relaxed, noncompetitive atmosphere. The conference will be limited to 200 attendees.

The three-day Exposition features manufacturers, distributors, importers, buyers, and sales agents hosted by an industry leading show producer. For new and seasoned manufacturers it is an opportunity to showcase new and current product lines. For buyers, TGIFCon offers a window into the latest trends in the industry and an opportunity to stock their shelves for the coming year. "We are very excited about reaching out to the entire industry and offering TGIFCon to unify the industry," says Bob Keegan, Director of the Toy & Game Industry Foundation.

TGIFCon will be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL September 7-9, 2006.

For more information, visit our web site at www.tgifcon.com.

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