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DTC GI Joe, 21st Century at SmallJoes.com


February 9, 2006 - (Sponsor Announcement) - News from SmallJoes.com:

Hi all,

We wanted to tell you about a few new things going on at SMALLJOES.COM.


Our move is complete (mostly) and as of February 8th we are shipping orders again. We plan to work fully through the weekend and expect to be caught up by Monday. Your patience regarding the processing delays during this move was and is greatly appreciated!


The Viper Lockdown 6-pack has arrived featuring all-new toy renditions of the original GI Joe and GI Jane!

The latest assortment of comic 3-packs (Cover Girl/Spirit/Hannibal, and Tommy/Stalker/Snake-Eyes) have been restocked. Wave 3 single-carded figures were also restocked but some sold out again quickly. We have more on the way.


Snake-Eyes: Declassified #6 comic is available, and GI JOE: America's Elite #8 will be posted after the weekend.

The Rise of the Red Shadows trade paperback is now available. It reprints the Red Shadows storyline - some material from issues #37-41 and all of #42 and #43. Also, includes a brand new five-page story of the funeral of the popular GI JOE character who died during this story arc. Lastly, includes Data Desk bios for the Red Shadows.

Although not GI JOE related, we've stocked some of the new Sgt. Rock limited series. Written and drawn by classic Sgt. Rock artist Joe Kubert. In a comic industry plagued with a lack of commitment, little substance, and a lot of hype - we're very excited to see something of real quality return.



We have some new 1:18 scale and 1:32 scale aircraft to list, which we will do right after the weekend. Please stay tuned to the appropriate sections of the web site:




A friend of SMALLJOES.COM is auctioning his collection of 3 3/4" GI JOE items. Includes a variety of hard to find items, including convention exclusives, store exclusives, mail-in premiums and much more. View the listings here:


If for any reason the link doesn't work, do a seller search for: prozac

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks for reading, and we hope you'll stop by and check out the site soon.


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