FANtastic Exclusive Round 4 Voting Results
 FANtastic Exclusive 2007 Round 4 voting comes to an end
January 4, 2007 - Prepare your armor, and have your shields at the ready because the 4th round of voting on the Four Horsemen's FANtastic Exclusive website ( is finished and the next round is going to be all about the weapons!
Round 4 was a bit of an extended round of voting, due to the holidays, but the results are pretty clear. Action figure fans were obviously pretty happy with the articulation that the previous FANtastic Exclusive victor - "Xetheus, Champion of Mynothecea" sported, because most of the articulation points that were chosen were the same!
After tabulation of the votes and integration of the joints into the design of the figure, the Elephant Swordsman's articulation will be as follows: - Head/Neck - Ball and Socket
- Trunk - Swivel
- Tusks - Swivel (added after fans voiced concern over positioning of tusks)
- Shoulders - Ball Joint
- Biceps - Swivel
- Elbows - Standard Swivel
- Wrists - Ball Joint
- Under rib - Ball and Socket
- Waist - Swivel
- Hips - Ball Joint
- Upper Thigh - Swivel
- Tail - Swivel
- Knee - Standard Swivel
- Ankles - Standard Swivel with side-to-side Rocking Joint
The Four Horsemen would like to send their thanks out to everyone who voted in Round 4, and to all of the FANtastic FANatics who spoke up on the message boards, discussing the whole process!
When Round 5 voting begins next week, action figure fans will be voting on accessories. More specifically, weapons! As with Xetheus last year, you've already seen the Elephant Swordsman's main weapons. The Four Horsemen don't think that's enough, so they're going to have all of you help them come up with and decide on a secondary weapon for him!
There's already a discussion on the FANtastic Exclusive message boards (entitled: "In anticipation of Round 5...") going on about the possibilities of the next round of voting, so feel free to jump in there and add in your two cents!
After going over the thread, the Four Horsemen are going to come up with at least a half-a-dozen weapons or so for all of fandom to vote on. And keep in mind, just like the last FANtastic Exclusive, you may also be voting on tertiary weapons for some other use...
Last, the Four Horsemen recently ran some eBay auctions that contained various limited items from FANtastic Exclusive 2006. They'd like to thank everyone who was involved with the auctions, especially those of you who were able to win the auctions and purchase the items.
With your help, and with a few bucks that the Four Horsemen pitched in themselves, they were able to raise $1,500.00, all of which was donated to the Toys For Tots program. The Four Horsemen have this to say: "Hopefully, together we all helped to make a kid's Christmas a little bit happier. Thanks again."
The objectives of Toys for Tots are to help needy children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation's most valuable natural resources - our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to better communities in the future.