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St. Patrick's Day PEEPS Green Chicks

green peeps

New PEEPS® Green Chicks: Designed for Easter and Sweet On St. Patrick's Day!

BETHLEHEM, Pa., Feb. 26, 2007 -- PEEPS® brand marshmallow candies are seeing their new PEEPS® Easter Green Chicks fly off of store shelves early as consumers discover them as a perfect treat and decorative item for St. Patrick's Day.

Kathy Bassininski, Director of Marketing, commented, "While these appealing green PEEPS® Chicks were introduced for the entire Spring season, we are thrilled that they are striking the fancy of those seeking a new addition to their St. Patrick's Day celebrations! We expect that this will be a popular new holiday for the PEEPS® brand."

PEEPS® Green Chicks are offered in festive, contemporary packaging graphics and packaged in 5, 10, and 15 count trays with SRPs of $0.59, $0.99, and $1.19, respectively.

These bright and eye-catching green chicks are available alongside pink, lavender, blue, and America's favorite, yellow.

Other New PEEPS® For Spring 2007...

PEEPS® Sugar-Free Chicks

In response to an increasing demand for sugar-free products, the PEEPS® brand also introduced sugar-free PEEPS® Chicks! "Sweetened with Splenda®", new PEEPS® Sugar-Free Chicks are designed to deliver the great tasting marshmallow experience that consumers have loved for more than 50 years!

They are packed in a 3-count tray with an SRP of $0.99.

PEEPS® Cocoa Bunnies

Just Born also introduced new PEEPS® Cocoa-Flavored Bunnies this Spring, following the success of PEEPS® Cocoa Cats at Halloween. New PEEPS® Cocoa Bunnies are available in 8-count packages with festive and contemporary graphics. They have an SRP of $0.99.

About Just Born, Inc.

Just Born, Inc. is a privately-owned company founded in 1923 and located in Bethlehem, PA. The company employs over 560 associates and markets its candy in over 50 countries.

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