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Heroes TV Show Comic-Book Parody

'HEROES' TV Show Gets Super-Spoofed in New Comic-Book Parody

EUREKA, Calif., April 23, 2007 -- Parody Press Comics has announced the upcoming release of "Hewoes #1," a comic book satire of NBC's popular superhero drama, "Heroes." The title is written and illustrated by longtime comics veteran Bill Maus and will ship with two different covers, a "Good Hewoes" cover and a "Bad Hewoes" cover.

"When cheerleader Klair Bendit discovers her weird flexibility powers playing Twister and her dad's secret project involving strangers from around the world, the fun begins," said Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Don Chin. "Bill Maus has a keen eye at poking fun at pop culture, and his art style on this book is much in the vein of the classic Mad Magazine satires, complete with grey art tones and square word balloons."

"In Hewoes, readers will be introduced to the enigmatic Pastrami brothers, Internet Weathergirl Sniki Sanders, constipated Japanese office worker Hewoe, and Mohinder Night Shalaman, who is trying to make sense of the whole thing while a berserk hairdresser named Styler is on the rampage!" said Maus, from his studio in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Hewoes #1 will be available in comic book stores in July 2007 with a cover price of $2.99US. The format will be 24 pages, black and white interiors, with wrap-around full color covers. The two variant covers will ship in 50/50 increments. A sneak-preview of the comic will be available online at http://www.parodypresscomics.com.

Parody Press Comics, a subsidiary of Express Publications, was established in 1992 by publishers Don and Laura Chin and Creative director Bill Maus. Since its inception, the company has published several best-selling satires based on popular comic-book icons such as Superman (The Death of Stupidman), Spawn (Yawn), The Uncanny X-Men (Unfunny X-Cons), Ren and Stimpy (Rank & Stinky), X-Farce, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters). The company has sold over one million comics, and was also nominated by Diamond Comics Distribution as "Best New Publisher" in 1993. The company is based in Eureka, California.

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