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SDCC - The Hunt: A Minimate Adventure

The Hunt: A Minimate Adventure


June 2007 - This year's San Diego Comic Con will be host to a groundbreaking and thrilling new event entitled "The Hunt: A Minimate Adventure." This scavenger hunt will push teams of fans to their creative limits in the search for the ultimate Minimate Adventurer - with the grand prize winners receiving fantastic prizes, including a year's supply of Minimates from Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles, LLC and Art Asylum Inc!

Beginning Wednesday, July 25th and continuing through Saturday, July 28th, up to 500 teams will be tasked with completing a series of objectives by taking digital photographs of their "Hunt" Minimate with a variety of convention-themed objects, places and people. The full list will be kept secret until "The Hunt" begins.

Prizes for this unique competition include digital cameras, iPod Shuffles, portable DVD players, extremely rare promotional Minimates, $200 and $100 gift cards and more, with the Grand Prize including a full year's worth of Minimate releases from Diamond Select Toys and Art Asylum to be awarded over the 12 months following the convention. Full prize details as well as eligibility requirements can be found at www.diamondselecttoys.com/thehunt/ along with a full list of rules.

Pre-registration for this kick-off event is now underway with participation limited to 500 teams. Each team will receive an informational packet containing the final list of objectives and the associated point values, a special edition Minimate created only for "The Hunt" and matching T-Shirts for each team to wear during the contest. "The Hunt" will conclude at 7:00 pm PST on Saturday, July 28th with the winning teams being announced the following day at a special awards event. Full details will be available at the DST booth during the convention.


Diamond Select Toys and Collectibles, LLC was founded in 1999 by sister company Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. Envisioned to create unique and exciting collectibles for children and adults alike, the company has licensed a variety of pop culture properties to be turned into merchandise. With partners such as Marvel Enterprises, CBS Viacom, Universal, Capcom, Twentieth Century Fox, Hasbro and MGM, Diamond Select Toys and Collectibles produces a large range of products based on a wide variety of properties, and is headquartered in Timonium, MD. For more information, visit www.diamondselecttoys.com.

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