ToyFare #41 Gets Ready for Holiday Toy Shopping
ToyFare #41 plays Santa's little helper this month with advice for the stumped holiday shopper. Let the TF Staff suggest the perfect gift for your finicky friends.Also this month, check out the interview with Spinal Tap bassist Derek Smalls as they discuss his new action figure. Get the scoop on the Spidey movie toys straight from CEO of Marvel Studios, Avi Arad. Great photos spotlight upcoming toys including Playing Mantis' Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys, DC Direct, the Simpsons, ReSaurus' Special Forces, BBI's Cy Girls, and Irwin Toy's Dragon Ball Z Series 16. This month's Twisted Mego Theater presents Dr. Doom's new money-making scheme involving cute miniature heroes in "Pets or Meat"! Closing the issue is a ToyFare Price Guide spotlight on Gundam model kits followed by final words from actor Bruce "Ash" Campbell. And if that isn't enough, brag to your friends about your bonus Charlie's Angels movie / action figure poster! [Posted 11/13/2000]