Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue is the latest incarnation of the long-running Power Rangers franchise. For 2000 the toyline voted "Toy of the Decade" adds a vast array of new Power Rangers action figures, vehicles, Zords, role play items and playsets as well as two exciting technology-based items.
Deluxe Interactive Omega Megazord
The Deluxe Interactive Omega Megazord is a five-in-one talking Megazord that incorporates Microsoft SmartTechnology. Pre-programmed with four phrases from the television series, the Zord can be plugged into a television during the broadcast of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue series and the Zord will automatically download up to seven key phrases or sounds from each episode.
Following the brief downloading process (characterized by a blinking light) the child can remove the Zord from the base station and by simply pressing a button, the seven key phrases or sounds are played back through the Zord.
Deluxe Interactive Omega Megazord
New Titanium Ranger 5" Power Ranger Assortment
Deluxe Supertrain Megazord
Deluxe Supertrain Playset
10" Infralight Power Rangers New Zords