- Glasslite released Hannibal in 1984 as part of its Esquadrao Classe A (A-Team) series
- Rubber-band construction
- Includes a rifle (also included with BA), and a blue cap
- Except for its torso, this figure's mold is the same as Galoob's US Hannibal
- Hannibal was released both carded and in the 4-pack
- Dave points out that the card art for the Glasslite Hannibal seems to be inspired by the card art on the GI Joe Rock 'N Roll figure.
Image credits:
- Carded GI Joe images used with permission from YoJoe.com
![Hannibal file](hannibal_file.jpg)
[3 3/4-inch Archives] [A-Team (Galoob)] [A-Team (Glasslite)] [Miami Vice]