3 3/4-inch Archives

Buck Rogers
Buck Rogers
Draconian Guard
Dr. Huer
Killer Kane
Tiger Man
Wilma Deering
Loose Buck U.S. carded Buck Rogers Canadian carded Buck Rogers
  • Mego released Buck Rogers in 1979
  • Rubber-band construction
  • 10 points of articulation: neck, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips, and knees
  • Rainbow stripe on right arm is a sticker, and is often worn or missing
  • Gun is molded into holster and cannot be removed
  • The image below is of Charles "Chilly Pop" Battle P.S.B. ENEMY from Bronze Bombers, an Olmec 1988 G.I.-type line feature all African-American characters. The figure's body is clearly derived from the Buck mold. Chilly Pop does not have Buck's collar or gun, although there is a remnant of the holster on his hip
Chilly Pop Chilly Pop carded
  • Canadian carded Buck Rogers provided by Damon White
  • Thanks to Troy Hileman and Alex Bickmore for helping me to identify the Chilly Pop figure!

[3 3/4-inch Archives] [Black Hole] [Buck Rogers] [Tomland]