3 3/4-inch Archives

Fall Guy
Image from catalog
  • Pages 4 and 5 of The 1983 Ertl dealer catalog advertized the Fall Guy Pickup Truck to dealers
  • The figure pictured in the catalog is the one from the Wrangler Race Set.
  • The catalog also features a "sleek '82 Camero," which, although it does not seem to include a figure, should also be scale. I do not know if this car was produced, or if the Fall Guy figure fits in the car. If you can provide more information on this item, please email to let me know. Thanks!
  • To view the entire pages, please click here for page 4 and here for page 5.
Image from catalog

Image credits:
  • Catalog pages provided by Kevin Austin

[3 3/4-inch Archives] [Fall Guy (Ertl)] [Fall Guy (Glasslite)]