- The trade ad below advertizes the glow-in-the-dark Starroid Raiders and the Space Robots, as well as a hand-held "Space Probe" game and an Interplanatary Battery Operated Toothbrush.
- The text for the Starroid Raiders reads:
Starroid Raiders Style No. SC21
Fully Jointed and they Glow
Weirdo collection of 3-inch Starroids. Collect all six different figures! Handsomely Blister Carded. Hot space colors. Complete with separate belt, sword, laser rifle and communicator.
- The text for the Space Robots reads:
Starroid Space Robots With Actionized Fire Power Arm. Style No. SC22
Way out Space warriors. Working arm shoots harmless space rocket or spheroid. Blister Card effictively displays robot and two missiles. Two assorted colors.
- For additional Tomland paperwork, see the page on the Special Offer.
Image credits:
[3 3/4-inch Archives] [Black Hole] [Buck Rogers] [Tomland]