Updated November 14, 1998
We are pleased to present an in depth look at what makes the Famous Covers figures tick. Guest columnist Rob Rooney takes us through the vivisection of a Famous Covers figure in great detail. So if you are a customizer or even just a curious fan, you'll want to take a look at this fascinating article.
Famous Covers Uncovered
We have added a Links & Resources page to the archive. This is a list of links to other Famous Covers information available on the Internet. Look for web sites and the Famous Covers e-mail list.
If you have an Famous Covers related resource on the web that isn't listed, please send us an e-mail.
NEWS FLASH! - The previously announced Wave 5 of the Famous Covers figures entitled "Beasts" has been scrapped. Apparently, the mock-ups didn't live up to the standards set for the line and they have been shown the door.
In their place will be a more standard character line up that is tentatively set to include: The Punisher, Cyclops, Rogue and Nightcrawler. These choices are subject to change of course, but this is where things stand as of now. No title or theme for the assortment has been announced.
We'll bring you any further news developments or images as we receive them.
We're pleased to bring you the first published interview with the Famous Covers Product Designer, Tom McCormack. Tom discusses many interesting topics including the history and design process of the line right on through to the line's future. Please enjoy this article brought to you in part by the Famous Covers e-mail list who helped in supplying some of the questions involved.
Interview with Product Designer Tom McCormack
We've done a fairly substantial update to the Archive. You'll notice a new section page and new individual pages for Series V Avengers Assemble. We also added all the photos and details on Series III to their respective pages. Sorry to have taken so long, but better late than never!
Updates have been made to the Custom Covers Gallery including a great recipe for making a custom Hobgoblin. We've also added the two-pack photos and info on the Two-packs page.
Famous Covers 4 Confirmed
We've been biting our tongues for quite a while, but we've finally been given clearance
to officially announce the fourth wave of the popular Famous Covers figures from Toy
Biz. The line up is a departure from the two heroes, one villain, and one female format.
Instead, we get four classic heroes and one completely new body style.
The line is an Avengers theme consisting of Iron Man, Hawkeye, Vision, and the
Hulk. The Hulk, of course, is the new body style and will be a really beefed up body
suitable for Bruce Banner's alter ego.
Look for this line in 1999 with the now familiar and classy window box with a classic
comic cover adorning each. We can't wait!
Our first verified variation has been identified, albeit a minor one. The first versions of Wolverine that shipped had an all red belt (shown below, left). Later versions had the buckle and "X" painted black (shown below, right). Since many of the first shipments of Wolverine are still on store shelves, this variant can probably still be located without too much difficulty in many spots around the country. It should be noted that this variation could be easily faked by removing the black paint (or, conversely, painting an unpainted buckle). So while not a major find, for those of us interested in the minute details of this line, this is an interesting discovery.

The Famous Covers E-Mail List!
That's right, you can now subscribe to an e-mail list that is devoted to the discussion of the Famous Covers line. Talk about the latest figures, upcoming assortments and customizing your own Famous Covers figures. If it's related to this line, this is the place to talk about it with other fans.
To subscribe, simply send e-mail to:
[email protected]
In the subject line and body line write: (With no quotes)
You should get confirmation right away that you have been added to the list. Enjoy!
A new section of the Archive is now open. This is the place to let your creative side shine! The Custom Covers Creative Gallery is now open, but we need your input. If you have any custom Famous Cover Figures, dioramas or even just cool displays showing your figures in awesome poses, send them on in! We'll display your work for everyone to see.
Corrections were made to the Series I information based on new information supplied to us by Toy Biz afficianado Jeff Rougvie. Jeff filled us in on things such as the fact that Wolverine and Green Goblin both originally had a differently sculpted heads when shown in prototype at Toy Fair 1997. If you have additional information that you think would be helpful and would like to share with others, please e-mail us!
We added this News and Updates Section! Many people wanted a way to get info on what was happening with the Famous Cover Series and the Archive. We hope to bring you the latest news and developments to the Archive right here. Look for more news items very, very soon!